Friday, December 19, 2014 | By: Unknown

Refined, but beautifully broken...

The more we hide our weaknesses,  the more they consume us. Choking us with guilt and shame, eventually leading us to an isolated pit of despair. Our lips should be willing to freely confess these kinds of things. Being transparent only tells the world that you too have issues, pains, scars, and hang ups. It doesn't make you less valuable or in a sense unworthy if you tell the truth and call yourself a Christian.
The Catholics have this part right, confession is good for the soul, they don't hide their sins or short comings, but when we know we have a Counselor, Helper, Advocate named the Holy Spirit who is with us to refine us through the fires of life. We can confess, be changed and move to the next issue that needs refining. We burn brighter for God when we let the refining fire burn away our impurities, instead of covering them up with fake gold!
Let's do this Brothers and Sisters, let's stop hiding our brokenness, instead tell the devil we may be "Beautifully Broken," but only for God to shine through.
His fire, His Spirit, is what changes us from ragged sinners to refined saints. Not one of us is perfect. This was Jesus' sole purpose: to step in for us and be our perfection. The more we let the fire of God burn out our impurities, through confession and growth, the more we start to look just like Jesus. Pure Perfection, out of a broken vessel.
Find someone you trust, be real, be you, and let God work in you and through you. You may even surprise yourself.
Much Love,
Shevonne Daley

Sunday, August 10, 2014 | By: Unknown

How could you not know?!

You are LOVED! God loved you so much that he gave up the very best the world ever had in it (Jesus) to be connected to you! If that doesn't humble you a bit, He also makes the world spin around every day, the sunset and sunrise for you. He has every right to end life as we know it, with all the evil and hate roaring all over the world. Instead He chooses to SEE Love, chose you to BE Love, and will POUR out MORE Love. We must continue to strive to bring His presence to a dark world. He is here, right now and believes in you! Remember who made you, who loves you and who protects you. He is faithful and never failing in His love for His children. He looks you in the face and says, "You are mine. I choose you every day." Remember this friends ♡
Happy Sunday
Love and Prayers,
Shevonne Daley

Monday, June 30, 2014 | By: Unknown

Apology and Encouraging Word

I wanted to apologize that our video encouragements have not been done as of yet. I had a few hiccups along the way. Praying forward that they will be available in the near future.
But I have been able to use this time to dive in deeper with God on my Spiritual Gifts and where in the future he wants to use them. I encourage you to take a Spiritual Gifts test and see where God may be leading you to help the local church body, or what ministry you may plug into. Here is the link of one of the test I have done before:

Find out your Spiritual Gifts and then find out more about each gifting and pray where God would lead you. You are made as a part of the Body and the Body needs your gifts. Praying you are encouraged by God and your purpose becomes clearer as you learn more!
Love and Prayers,
Shevonne Daley

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 | By: Unknown

A word on Reconciliation (Announcement of new things coming)

I am excited to announce, that soon we will have Encouraging Words with Yours Truly! A weekly encouragement for those who need a lift.

This weeks Encouraging Word will be on forgiveness and the word "Reconciliation". We often forgive, and move on, and truly that is okay, if the heart has been healed. Though God's true purpose for forgiveness is to turn the situation around that was meant to bring death to a relationship, and emotional destruction to those involved, He wants instead to bring life, purpose and freedom. I can't wait to share how God brought reconciliation to a relationship I thought would never be whole, never have true fruit, but God had brought it fully and completely around. In fact at that same time He healed two relationships in my life. God always seems to know how to bless above and beyond what we can ever imagine. SO stay tuned!

Lots of love and Prayers,
Shevonne Daley
Monday, May 5, 2014 | By: Unknown

I must forgive THEM?

Pastor James is speaking on a subject that is a chain-breaker, really it is. This subject is one of the hardest for all people to swallow, unbelievers and believers alike. I have many areas where forgiveness played a role, but the hardest act of forgiveness for me was that of forgiving my rapists, the police who didn't protect me, and most of all myself for ever getting into that situation in the first place.

Many see me now and never realize the deep hurts that have happened. I attribute all that to the ability to forgive. Letting God's grace for me to be my guide. Forgiving even THEM helped me to release the heavy weight their presence had on my thought life. Once I was able to let go, and in a sense let God be the judge that He is, I was able to breathe better again.

Six years ago, I was separated from Bobby, and deep in my self destruction. I was overly intoxicate one night while bar hopping with a friend. This friend and I lost each other in the mix of people, and the bars were closing anyway. At last call I went to smoke a cigarette and began talking to a bouncer. Not thinking much of it told him I was alone and had lost my friend, all the other stuff I said I really don't remember. (Later the police think I may have been either more intoxicated than I thought, or drugged.) So now the bar was closed and I walk very carefully to my minivan. I knew I couldn't drive so I was going to sleep in my van. I began throwing up. The bouncer from before drove up with a friend and offered to drive me and my van home, his friend would follow and then they would go on their way. I clearly wasn't thinking I didn't know this guy from Adam, but I figured he was a bouncer and they must have some sort of background check (that much I thought about.) We make it to my apartment (the kids of course were with Bobby that weekend.) and I said thank you for the ride and hugged him. I guess this was a welcoming gesture. He asked to come in for a minute and I am so naive I said yes.
Five minutes later his friend follows and I sense I am in trouble, my whole body is telling me to flee, and I don't know what to do. I know what they are after. I just wanted to live! I just begged them to use protection. I didn't want to end up pregnant by one of them or with AIDS.

They left and I immediately showered. Every woman who has been through this that I have talked to does the same thing, they just want the whole thing to wash away! I passed out right after and woke still dizzy and a mess. I immediately called the police department when I woke up. They came listened to my story, I filed the report and they said, "Because you asked them to use protection you gave consent." This floored me. I wasn't allowed to try and protect some part of myself. I felt violated all over again. I was hurt and angry! I didn't want to go to the ER right away, but I went a day later, alone. Having a rape kit done feels like a whole other violation in itself honestly. I just wanted to tuck all this way and NEVER think about it again.

I was numb for almost 2 years afterwards to the whole situation, anytime I talked about it I was distant. Like it didn't happen. Finally it came back to the surface and I knew I needed to deal with it. How it hit me, I watched a Law and Order Special Victims Unit and the story was so parallel to mine it shook me. I cried off and on til the next day, and then Facebook recommended a friend, and the name and profile looked like one of my rapist and I came unglued. Thank God Cheryl was my mentor and counselor at the time, I called her and she said now was the time to really get into this. I went over to meet with her and we began to talk about forgiveness.

WHAT!? I have to forgive them? They violated my life, my body, plagued my mind and emotions and now I had to forgive them. It hurt more that they not only stole a piece of my dignity but stole my paycheck that was to pay for mine and my kids groceries that week so long ago. I had more value on what we ate then myself. I was so ashamed of myself. Now I had to "get over it", at least I thought that's what forgiveness meant. To forget it ever happened.

On the contrary, I will always remember, but I had to realize these men were used by the enemy to try and destroy me, they woke me up from my bad choices also. I do not believe God meant me harm. I do believe however I was awakened from a bad dream, when this incident happened it was the moment I had realized I was in a hole I needed to start getting out of.

It was now though, sitting with Cheryl I realized I let them have more control over my life then I ever wanted to allow. I had been numb to my feelings, my heartbreak, and my disappointment. I had to feel, then heal. I had to forgive them and give them over to God. If they never faced a day in jail, I had to let that go. If they were still out there, I had to say, "God you know my fear, and I trust you!"

As far as those officers, they were right. They told me that information to save me from a trial were I may be humiliated and tormented even more. In a sense I am thankful for that. I did feel let down by the system, but I had to be okay with God's justice and not the worlds justice. God knows more of what happened then these officers ever could.

That very day I let it go, I was free! FREE! How could this be? Their influence and power over my life was gone. They couldn't have my everyday. I was no longer wrapped in fear, or anger. Now I just felt shame.

Here was the hard part. Forgiving myself. I let myself and my family down. I put us all in harms way. What was I thinking? Well see that was it. I wasn't. I was so far gone at the time, I didn't think. I had to forgive my thoughtlessness. I had to forgive myself for being so broken. For becoming a victim once again (had a past of sexual abuse). This was hard. Harder than anything else.

"God if you forgive me, why can't I forgive myself?" Was the question I often asked myself. I wanted to punish myself for my sins. I was taking God's place. Did I not think He could handle me? Wow, how messed up I truly was. God had more mercy with me then I felt I ever deserved. (This is why I worship Him so wholeheartedly).

That day in Cheryl's living room, I had to forgive the hurting messed up version of me I once was and move on to the new, wiser, and whole version of me. We decided to meet up with Bobby soon and pray over my new life, break of soul ties (which is another topic), and move to the new, brighter future.

I can't say it doesn't ever bother me, I do remember, and have had painful flashbacks. BUT! I remember that those thoughts and memories are the enemy bringing up things already dealt with, and that is when I hand it back to God. He takes it and kisses me and we walk hand and hand, moving on.

If you have dealt with major hurts, pains that people have inflicted on you, or you have inflicted on yourself, know that it is never too late to forgive. Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting, it means moving on to bigger and better that God has to offer you. Trusting Him to ultimately take care of it all. He is Just, He is Good and He is Love.

Be blessed my friends
Love and Prayers,
Shevonne Daley
Tuesday, April 15, 2014 | By: Unknown

Grace undeserved

Last night while reading one of my favorite books (A Pale Horse by Wendy Alec) I was overcome with gratefulness and awe at how gracious our God is.
From a part in the book where a stubborn man realizes he has given up one of the best things that ever happened to him, I cried. Just like him I don't deserve my husband, my children, shoot, even this life I live. God saw it fit that I got these gifts back after nearly losing them to my own stupidity, and even made me appreciate them more. Why now do I see what I have? Because I nearly lost it all for good! Not just by divorce or losing parental rights, but I nearly lost my life while my husband and I were split 6 years ago. I may have told this story countless times, but it makes me more and more grateful every time I tell it. God's grace is multiplied when I realize these are not the only gifts He has given. I have received healings, financial help, acknowledgement among peers, but more than any of these things He calls me His! I am His Daughter!! I have a Father who claims me and fights FOR me! Who gave His Son's life up for me. Wrapping it all up with reminders of how much He loves me, like when my husband kisses me, my children hug me and hold me. I am loved beyond my faults and I am so so so grateful! I hope today you can sit back and ponder His amazing Grace...
Love and Prayers,

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 | By: Unknown

Jesus didn't need a Green Room

Yes, you would see Jesus with an entourage if we look back in history. But the only time he sought solitude from the people was when he needed to pray and reflect. He did not think himself so highly that he would separate himself from the people. In fact his sole purpose was to destroy the separation between God and His people. He came to tear the veil of separation!
This is a personal pet peeve of mine I must say. Green Rooms/Special Parking/Etc. None of us is higher than any other person. We can fall just as easily or climb the ladder just the same as anyone. When people put themselves on pedestals it aggravates me. If Jesus, the King of King's sat with lepers, kissed babies, dined with prostitutes, and taught love to tax collectors and fishermen. What makes us think we are worthy of some honor greater than he ever sought for himself?
This is on my heart, and so much of me wants to apologize but I won't, my heart cannot forget the least to make myself greater. I cannot sit by and watch others do it either. I will not call people out, but I will urge them to seek God, to see the true heart of the Father. Yes, we are filled with Greatness when we take God's covenant and hold it deep in our heart. We love Him above all others, by denouncing the world to take our right place with Jesus. This fact though does not mean we deserve special treatment, our honor is found in Heaven, with the One who made us honorable to begin with.
So please if you choose to become great for God, do it with humility and a humble heart. Arrogance got the devil nowhere and he was one of the beloved of God. Be careful to not separate yourself so much from the people, that you forget who you are ministering to!
I want to go where the Wild Things are! I want to be among those who are desperately hungry for a different life than the one they are living! We have to be willing to drop the golden garments and to get into the grime to bring people to their healing, to their freedom, and to wholeness in Christ. Staying clean and pretty only last for so long with Jesus, eventually He will ask you to get dirty for the cause. By dirty I mean be willing to go to places you never would step foot in to see the lost saved! I am not saying to sin, to mimic what the lost do, I am saying if it was your child drowning in the pool, you would not care about your iPhone, watch, clothes and make-up, what other people might think of you. No! You would just DIVE in and save your baby! That is what this is about. Jesus didn't need a Green Room separating himself with a special place or honor because he wasn't in need of being religious, He didn't come to say "I am God, worship me!"
He came and said. "I am the Son..The Father and I are one... and I was sent to save! Come and walk with me."
He loves us more than we can fathom and this is just one aspect that gets me every time. He chose the dirtiness, filthiness, sinfulness to come down to to save us, me and you, from the world in which we drown in every day. If that doesn't say something about our God, I don't know what does!
Love and Prayers my friends,
Shevonne Daley
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 | By: Unknown

The Perfection Trap

The Enemy would love for us to believe that we must obtain perfection before we can enter into a lasting, loving, unconditional relationship with God. We are lied to on a daily basis that we are not "good enough", we are "too damaged", God is perfect why would he want to be with us.

Well I am here to tell you the Enemy hates that God loves us so much, that in our imperfections, and folly, God wrapped a part of himself, His Son, in flesh to be the unblemished sacrifice for our transgressions. The Devil just can't let us think we are worthy, because the Devil will never feel this love, nor be worthy of it again.

It has to be maddening for him, the once perfect angel of God, brought down by his own free will, to watch the other creation of God, fall into to temptation too. Only to be fully redeemed! Why do we deserve redemption? Truth is we really don't, it is only in God's love that we ever found favor. The Devil could have changed his fate I am sure. If he had humbled himself back at the feet of  his King. But alas this did not happen. Pride is an ugly sin, which I am sure I will talk about at another time.

Please, I beg you though, stop listening to this voice that tears down your worth! We ALL fall short of the Glory of God, none of us are worthy without Christ. So if a "Christian" ever intentionally makes you feel unworthy, remind them we are all a "work in progress". I am tired of seeing people fall away from a relationship with Christ because other "Christians" didn't make them feel welcome. Yes, there is sin the Bible is very clear, about what is godly and what is not. True, also, when we come to Christ we should practice these things. But the Bible doesn't say "be perfect". Yes, strive for right living, but don't beat yourself up when you are not where other people are! For goodness sake, God doesn't keep a tally on you compared to someone else, so why should you?

Soon I am teaching a class on The Search for Significance and I am so excited to do so, because it deals a lot with this type of misconception. We are all messed up, we are all striving to be better versions of ourselves, but we often quit while we are ahead because we will never be like "so and so".
"They have it all together."
Truth is: No they don't! The only fact is, they are trying. God's grace is the only thing that makes them or us truly better versions of ourselves.

Take this scripture and dive into it. Titus 2:10-14 We should be eager to do what is good, and say "no" to things we know to be ungodly. But remember Christ gave himself to redeem us from wickedness and purify us so God could call us His! The Devil can't take that away, unless you listen to the lies. Truth is you are loved and redeemed, made new in Christ. Keep walking out your life aiming towards better. When you do fall short hold on to this truth, it sets you free from your own perfection trap! God's grace is sufficient.

Love and Prayers,
Shevonne Daley

Friday, February 28, 2014 | By: Unknown

Prayer the life giving conversation

Prayer has got to be one of my most favorite subjects in the Bible, right next to Love. Prayer is the conversation that can bring significant change to your life, or how you see your life.

Sometimes praying, just the act of conversation with God, can change how you see things. God often lifts off the blinders and you can see the situation for what it is, or why the person does what they do, or why your answer hasn't come yet.

God needs you to remember that in the midst of this chaotic life, He wants to hear from you. Our lives should not be so busy that we don't stop to have a conversation with our Father. He cherishes the time we spend with Him. It should not be a check list item, but a full immersion in His presence. That alone is when true peace, love and grace is found. Give God the opportunity to talk back. He will, and you can know it's him by His voice aligning with biblical principles. (If you aren't sure about something, Check your Bible) Please if you learn nothing else as a follower of Christ, learn to pray and listen to the Holy Spirit. That will be the most beneficial thing you can ever have in your arsenal against the enemy, and in life in general.

Prayers do not have to sound beautiful, they need to be heartfelt.
Let your prayer life, be an opportunity for God to give you a new/changed life.
Love and Prayers,
Shevonne Daley
Monday, February 17, 2014 | By: Unknown

Faith like a Child

Often times children will incessantly beg for what they REALLY want. Where did we lose that? Well we probably lost it when we were told it was wrong! LOL

Persistence in prayer is a lot like asking God, like a little child, over and over for the thing we want/need. At times like a good Father, God denies us what we want because we are not ready, or it really would not help us. God's will is for us to prosper. He will not give us anything that will set us back or set us apart from Him.

There are those times though when you have to go for it, and pray hard, and often for your request. Praying til you get an answer! I think of my son, to whom I promised I would go on a date with him and take him to see the Lego Movie. He won't let me forget it and I don't want to go back on my promise either! I will see to it that we do go and it is one of the best dates yet! If God has promised you something, He delights in giving you the best of what He promised! He will take his time if he has to, only so you can have the very best, so remember that. (I have to remember this too)

Also like a child, don't forget the good He has already done! My son and daughter often relish in the fond memories they have had with us. They remember that we have stayed true to things we had promised them, which only reminds them more to ask when a promise has not been fulfilled! LOL Remember the good, the miracles, the healings, the greatness of God's work in your life. Be persistent! I can name plenty of times in the Bible and in my life where persistence played a key roll in answered prayer. Don't give up child!
Love and Prayers,
Friday, February 7, 2014 | By: Unknown

Everything is Meaningless

These words used to confuse me so much when I was younger. How could the Bible tell us that "Everything is meaningless"?

Let me tell you what I have learned through the last 10 years walking this journey out with Christ. I am not a Bible scholar nor do I pretend to be. I do know, however, what God has revealed to my heart. We as humans put so much meaning into unsubstantial things and situations, we make mountains out of molehills, and try desperately to make sense of every little thing. I honestly believe what Solomon was trying to tell us is we are not as smart as we think we are, nor are we just here taking up space. We can never grasp the whole picture like God can. We have purpose and are searching always to fulfill that purpose but often times we stress on things that eat up time, and have no impact on our future, or our particular purpose.
Yesterday my Grandfather passed, and I realized how much time I have wasted doing the silliest things. How could I be so dense to make things so big when they never were. We put so much emphasis on our past, we carry shame for life's regrets, when what we should be doing is living life as God intended. Sharing His love with the world, with thankfulness for all that He has blessed us with. Instead we stress about money, time, scrutinizing ourselves, badgering our families about things that don't matter, crying over how hard life is. We forget this life is fleeting, that any moment can be our last. We forget to relish in the good, and instead focus on all the things that need change. Granted there is a time and place for evaluation and for improvement. To never stop and breathe, reminding ourselves how fragile life is, only robs us of the goodness God intends for us.
Many times I have caught myself tearing myself down, if I ever thought of a friend the way I think about myself, I wouldn't have friends! I have had to learn to step outside the negativity, remind myself of what matters: God, family, church,and community. It is meaningless, this life is a treasure and we truly need to start taking every day and lay it at our Father's feet. Follow His lead and live! Live abundantly, with grace, love and hope! My point is, stop worrying, stop stressing, stop beating yourself up. Learn with God, Love with God, and never let Him Go. Everything else will fall into place and you will find you live a more fulfilling life.
Love and Prayers,
Shevonne Daley 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014 | By: Unknown

Humility as a Crooked Saint

The name may seem misleading, like I think I am a Saint but live a crooked life, but it is actually quite opposite. I have lived a life full of crooked paths and brokenness. God made me a Saint the day I became a Christian though I am still battle scarred and as I say, "Beautifully Broken". Beautifully broken like a broken lamp held together with glue, and the light inside shines beautifully through the cracks. This is how Jesus shines through in all our lives. The number one lesson I learned about becoming a Christian is humility. Often new Christians feel this need to be perfect, and in this perfection everyone around them who says they are Christians should be perfect too! What we often fail to realize is everyone is on a journey and in very different places in that journey with Christ.
Pride and Prejudice will get you nowhere as a Christian let me tell you. (Awesome book reference right there.) A humble heart and a transparent life God can mold and use to influence lives. I am not saying let your past define you as broken, but to remember where you have come from. Humbly accept your inequities. This is a direct path to our purpose.
None of us are perfect in any shape or form, and we would deceive ourselves to think otherwise. It's only through Christ perfection that I could ever call myself righteous. No matter how "righteously" I try to live, or perfect I try to be, without Christ I would always fall short. I thank God every day for His presence in my life. Without Him I would be a hot mess, that is for sure.
So, yes, I am a Saint, but bent by experience with a crooked past. I make sure to point all that has changed, all that has prospered, all that has propelled me forward and made me better towards Christ. He is the one who has done the hard work to put me right with God, all I have to do is make sure I obey the Holy Spirit's convictions and direction.
I hope and pray you realize your life, no matter how far off it had been in the past, can absolutely change the outcome in someone else's life. All you have to do is accept your faults and remind yourself God is working on you and through you. Continue to grow friends in the Light and Living Water of Jesus!
From one Crooked Saint to another,
Saturday, February 1, 2014 | By: Unknown

When you think you're down and out

There are days I must tell you when I feel like tapping out. Where every ounce of fight I have is spent, my energy is zapped, and I can barely lift my chin to look my enemy in the face to continue on. This is the very place where our spirit cries out for us, screaming out to God on our behalf. HELP!! We can be thankful as Christians that even when we don't have it in us to continue on, God does!
Recently my battle has been my health. After struggling for years with PCOS, then Diabetes and CRPS/RSD, I thought I could never strive for health! Believe me I tried it all, diets, exercise, pain management. I was on the brink of being put on a morphine pump for my pain condition when I got a healing! Literally I was going in the next week to talk about my options and God showed up and began to show off in my life.
So my RSD pain is so minimal now I take 1 pill at night versus 5 pills all day long! I can function and move like a normal person. So my next focus was my weight (main issue for PCOS and Diabetes) I did a diet called the Optifast meal replacement, and it seemed to work fine til I couldn't afford it any longer. I kept the weight off too, til I got an injury. For me enough was enough after 20 + years of being overweight. I weighed 200 lbs in 5th grade, yes I know I am young, but it really had been 20 years. I decided I had to take the leap and I did Gastric Bypass, the hardest and best decision I ever made! I am now almost a year out on Feb. 23rd, and have lost exactly 100 lbs! My Diabetes is gone and technically so is my PCOS. So I have been more active, been able to take care of my Sister's two kids on top of my own, and do things like play softball, and just be an active 33 year old woman.
I thought my battle was over, man was I wrong! I am still battling hard for my fertility and for my body to align with God's perfect will. Every month I am knocked down and can barely move, this is not how God has intended for me to live. I feel defeated in these moments but that is when the Spirit reminds me to FIGHT and FIGHT HARD! I am not made to be a wimp when the going gets tough. I am God's Daughter and all his Daughters are WARRIOR women! So I summon up my battle cry, get to my knees and pray this thing out. I may not have the physical strength but I have God!
Whatever you are battling for, whom ever you are battling with (yourself, a family member, friends, the Enemy) remember your #1 weapon is Prayer. The devil is terrified of it because he has no defense against it. The only thing he can do to win a battle is to keep you from crying out. If you are disappointed, talk to God. If you are angry, talk to God. If you are depressed, talk to God. Let him know how you feel, get back to His heart, remind yourself God is on your side. He intends good for His children. To prosper and not harm you. He can save you from yourself, the enemy's schemes, and from the pain. If you just cry out.
Don't get frustrated when everything doesn't fall magically into place as soon as you pray. Prayer is the beginning, like they say "Rome wasn't built in a day." Prayer takes time to be answered and completed. God doesn't start something He won't finish. So if you are just at the beginning, don't give up, keep praying it out til the answer is complete!
So I am praying for my promised addition to our family, our 3rd child, and I am praying for health that is complete in God's eyes so I can do more for His Kingdom. I will prosper even while I am down. If anything just telling my story to keep others encouraged is a direct hit to the enemy even when I may seem down and out.
Hope this encourages you a bit to keep pressing in, keep circling those prayers until the answer comes!
Love and Prayers

And so it begins...

Now is the time, there is no time like the present, and all of those other sayings that empower you to start something new are going through my head. This blog has been in  my heart but could not come to fruition til I had a title, of course! So here it is: Musings of a Crooked Saint. This is a blog about my life lessons and, hopefully to come, life lessons of other Crooked Saints who have been through the muck and mire and came out shining for Christ! If you ever needed to be encouraged, empowered, lifted up, or just like to read about other people's journeys, well you have found the right place.
Musings of a Crooked Saint came from the heart purpose God christened me with. Running For the Broken (A Suicide Prevention and Awareness Group) is just part of that, I am a Crooked Saint, I am a broken down mess put back together by the glue of God's Love and Grace. I am made a Saint now in God's eyes for Christ's sacrifice! I have seen pain and anguish, and thought I could never be used! I thought I would always be a mess, and no one would listen to my story. God proved me wrong over and over again. So here I am to share my experiences, and the experiences of others to help you or someone you know fight another day, be inspired to be more, reach for big and better dreams!
So I invite you to comment, share, write me about your stories if you want me to place them on the site. I am open to it all and look forward to what God will do with this Blog. I know the internet can be used for amazing things and I pray this blog reaches people I will never meet or see in person, and it inspires hope, love, grace and fellowship!
Love and Prayers,