Friday, February 7, 2014 | By: Unknown

Everything is Meaningless

These words used to confuse me so much when I was younger. How could the Bible tell us that "Everything is meaningless"?

Let me tell you what I have learned through the last 10 years walking this journey out with Christ. I am not a Bible scholar nor do I pretend to be. I do know, however, what God has revealed to my heart. We as humans put so much meaning into unsubstantial things and situations, we make mountains out of molehills, and try desperately to make sense of every little thing. I honestly believe what Solomon was trying to tell us is we are not as smart as we think we are, nor are we just here taking up space. We can never grasp the whole picture like God can. We have purpose and are searching always to fulfill that purpose but often times we stress on things that eat up time, and have no impact on our future, or our particular purpose.
Yesterday my Grandfather passed, and I realized how much time I have wasted doing the silliest things. How could I be so dense to make things so big when they never were. We put so much emphasis on our past, we carry shame for life's regrets, when what we should be doing is living life as God intended. Sharing His love with the world, with thankfulness for all that He has blessed us with. Instead we stress about money, time, scrutinizing ourselves, badgering our families about things that don't matter, crying over how hard life is. We forget this life is fleeting, that any moment can be our last. We forget to relish in the good, and instead focus on all the things that need change. Granted there is a time and place for evaluation and for improvement. To never stop and breathe, reminding ourselves how fragile life is, only robs us of the goodness God intends for us.
Many times I have caught myself tearing myself down, if I ever thought of a friend the way I think about myself, I wouldn't have friends! I have had to learn to step outside the negativity, remind myself of what matters: God, family, church,and community. It is meaningless, this life is a treasure and we truly need to start taking every day and lay it at our Father's feet. Follow His lead and live! Live abundantly, with grace, love and hope! My point is, stop worrying, stop stressing, stop beating yourself up. Learn with God, Love with God, and never let Him Go. Everything else will fall into place and you will find you live a more fulfilling life.
Love and Prayers,
Shevonne Daley 


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