Friday, December 19, 2014 | By: Unknown

Refined, but beautifully broken...

The more we hide our weaknesses,  the more they consume us. Choking us with guilt and shame, eventually leading us to an isolated pit of despair. Our lips should be willing to freely confess these kinds of things. Being transparent only tells the world that you too have issues, pains, scars, and hang ups. It doesn't make you less valuable or in a sense unworthy if you tell the truth and call yourself a Christian.
The Catholics have this part right, confession is good for the soul, they don't hide their sins or short comings, but when we know we have a Counselor, Helper, Advocate named the Holy Spirit who is with us to refine us through the fires of life. We can confess, be changed and move to the next issue that needs refining. We burn brighter for God when we let the refining fire burn away our impurities, instead of covering them up with fake gold!
Let's do this Brothers and Sisters, let's stop hiding our brokenness, instead tell the devil we may be "Beautifully Broken," but only for God to shine through.
His fire, His Spirit, is what changes us from ragged sinners to refined saints. Not one of us is perfect. This was Jesus' sole purpose: to step in for us and be our perfection. The more we let the fire of God burn out our impurities, through confession and growth, the more we start to look just like Jesus. Pure Perfection, out of a broken vessel.
Find someone you trust, be real, be you, and let God work in you and through you. You may even surprise yourself.
Much Love,
Shevonne Daley


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