Why is it we waste so much valuable time trying to speed from one season of our life to another? Most of us, myself included, get uncomfortable in the painful or slow growth seasons. We don't see the movement or the results we want right away. It could be society, but even if that is the case we as Christians have to learn to practice contentment and self-control. We must trust that in every single step, fast or slow, God is working things out for our good. Patience is one of the top needed attributes I believe besides forgiveness to really see the fruit from what God has planted in our purpose and calling.
Being content with where we are is partly acceptance and partly knowing who our God is! You must have faith that you will never lack when you have the God of the universes working on your side, no matter how it feels at that particular moment!
My husband works as the "safety" guy for an electric company but for telecommunications and one thing he teaches drivers is: that speeding to get to a destination faster is one of the most unsafe scenarios there is. To speed to get there faster usually only gets you there statistically 2 minutes faster!! So why risk your life and someone else's for the time it takes to park a car? Our travel times thru "seasons" are much the same, we rush the process and we not only don't learn the lessons we were intended to learn but it could possibly fail those we were meant to help with that lesson.
So slow down, enjoy God even in the hard stuff. Listen and stay calm! He really has it under control, promise!
Love and Prayers,