Wednesday, March 12, 2014 | By: Unknown

The Perfection Trap

The Enemy would love for us to believe that we must obtain perfection before we can enter into a lasting, loving, unconditional relationship with God. We are lied to on a daily basis that we are not "good enough", we are "too damaged", God is perfect why would he want to be with us.

Well I am here to tell you the Enemy hates that God loves us so much, that in our imperfections, and folly, God wrapped a part of himself, His Son, in flesh to be the unblemished sacrifice for our transgressions. The Devil just can't let us think we are worthy, because the Devil will never feel this love, nor be worthy of it again.

It has to be maddening for him, the once perfect angel of God, brought down by his own free will, to watch the other creation of God, fall into to temptation too. Only to be fully redeemed! Why do we deserve redemption? Truth is we really don't, it is only in God's love that we ever found favor. The Devil could have changed his fate I am sure. If he had humbled himself back at the feet of  his King. But alas this did not happen. Pride is an ugly sin, which I am sure I will talk about at another time.

Please, I beg you though, stop listening to this voice that tears down your worth! We ALL fall short of the Glory of God, none of us are worthy without Christ. So if a "Christian" ever intentionally makes you feel unworthy, remind them we are all a "work in progress". I am tired of seeing people fall away from a relationship with Christ because other "Christians" didn't make them feel welcome. Yes, there is sin the Bible is very clear, about what is godly and what is not. True, also, when we come to Christ we should practice these things. But the Bible doesn't say "be perfect". Yes, strive for right living, but don't beat yourself up when you are not where other people are! For goodness sake, God doesn't keep a tally on you compared to someone else, so why should you?

Soon I am teaching a class on The Search for Significance and I am so excited to do so, because it deals a lot with this type of misconception. We are all messed up, we are all striving to be better versions of ourselves, but we often quit while we are ahead because we will never be like "so and so".
"They have it all together."
Truth is: No they don't! The only fact is, they are trying. God's grace is the only thing that makes them or us truly better versions of ourselves.

Take this scripture and dive into it. Titus 2:10-14 We should be eager to do what is good, and say "no" to things we know to be ungodly. But remember Christ gave himself to redeem us from wickedness and purify us so God could call us His! The Devil can't take that away, unless you listen to the lies. Truth is you are loved and redeemed, made new in Christ. Keep walking out your life aiming towards better. When you do fall short hold on to this truth, it sets you free from your own perfection trap! God's grace is sufficient.

Love and Prayers,
Shevonne Daley


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