Musings of a Crooked Saint
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These words used to confuse me so much when I was younger. How could the Bible tell us that "Everything is meaningless"? Let...
The name may seem misleading, like I think I am a Saint but live a crooked life, but it is actually quite opposite. I have lived a life full...
There are days I must tell you when I feel like tapping out. Where every ounce of fight I have is spent, my energy is zapped, and I can bare...
Pastor James is speaking on a subject that is a chain-breaker, really it is. This subject is one of the hardest for all people to swallow, u...
The Enemy would love for us to believe that we must obtain perfection before we can enter into a lasting, loving, unconditional relationsh...
Now is the time, there is no time like the present, and all of those other sayings that empower you to start something new are going through...
You are LOVED! God loved you so much that he gave up the very best the world ever had in it (Jesus) to be connected to you! If that doesn...
I wanted to apologize that our video encouragements have not been done as of yet. I had a few hiccups along the way. Praying forward that th...
I know I am not the only one who has ever asked this question. I could say I have all understanding of why I go through what I go throug...
Often times children will incessantly beg for what they REALLY want. Where did we lose that? Well we probably lost it when we were told it...
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These words used to confuse me so much when I was younger. How could the Bible tell us that "Everything is meaningless"? Let...
The name may seem misleading, like I think I am a Saint but live a crooked life, but it is actually quite opposite. I have lived a life full...
There are days I must tell you when I feel like tapping out. Where every ounce of fight I have is spent, my energy is zapped, and I can bare...
Pastor James is speaking on a subject that is a chain-breaker, really it is. This subject is one of the hardest for all people to swallow, u...
The Enemy would love for us to believe that we must obtain perfection before we can enter into a lasting, loving, unconditional relationsh...
Now is the time, there is no time like the present, and all of those other sayings that empower you to start something new are going through...
You are LOVED! God loved you so much that he gave up the very best the world ever had in it (Jesus) to be connected to you! If that doesn...
I wanted to apologize that our video encouragements have not been done as of yet. I had a few hiccups along the way. Praying forward that th...
I know I am not the only one who has ever asked this question. I could say I have all understanding of why I go through what I go throug...
Often times children will incessantly beg for what they REALLY want. Where did we lose that? Well we probably lost it when we were told it...
Breaking for a purpose
Speeding Thru Life
Why Me God?
Let me tell you just one story, but it is one of the most redeeming of my life. These last 7 years have been some of the hardest years I have ever lived, even after reconciling my life to God's hands completely, mending a rocky marriage, and getting counseling for past hurts, the last 7 years have stretched me in ways I never dreamed of. I think of a new mother pregnant for the first time, she has pains just because her body is growing to accommodate a growing baby, and eventually that pain too has meaning and goodness behind it.
In these last 7 years I had lost my Mom and Uncle to cancer, My Cousin (who was very dear to me like a brother) to suicide, My Stepfather (I called Dad) to a body broken by addiction, and My Grandfather to a failing heart while dealing with an early miscarriage the same week, and later that year found out I needed a hysterectomy. You could say during this time I also grieved my loss of "normal" living when I suffered a disease called RSD/CRPS.
When we lost Tony (our cousin) to suicide, My husband and I started a suicide prevention ministry called For the Broken.
We ran it for the last 5 years and it felt great to encourage and help others to hold on and chose life!
What I didn't realize is how much my pain and suffering opened my heart and eyes to the suffering of those I talked to and on every level; from those who contemplated suicide, to those suffering in body, some missing people they love who were now gone. God called some of us to endure, to keep strong faith in the middle of great suffering to be examples of strength and faith to others.
After the 5 years of doing ministry, we both knew God was calling us to Pastor an Online Interactive Church, we knew everyone was looking for hope, love and people to talk to. We hope to spread the Love of Jesus online. What I didn't realize is how well I would understand the brokenness so many different people are going through, it's all pain, but from different means. The most redemptive part is to use my broken and God-held-together life to minister to those who are close to me also.
Just this month I got to help my best friend of 22 years with the memorial of her mother. Her father had passed a few years prior, and because I know grief like this, I know this pain, I was able to help. I let God use me to help my very best friend. I got to tell her what grief looks like, and that most of what she is going through is totally normal. I got to cry with her, laugh over memories and be her strength and person to lean on. That is something so precious.
When we are in the midst of our pain we become very nearsighted, but as we walk further in the journey we truly see the usefulness of our pain.
One day I asked my husband, "Why do I go through all this pain? Why this broken body? Why can't I be "normal"? His response was perfect, "Because WE would never be able to reach the broken for Jesus." That is "why me", God knew what we would endure, but he made a way for it to do good, and be good. The enemy can throw anything my way, and sure sometimes I do fear he will, but with God NO weapon formed against me shall prosper, instead only good will come from what the enemy decides to throw my way.
Hope this inspires you to be present in the midst of your pain, to hopefully one day share your story, or to be strengthened in your endurance and faith. Your story WILL inspire others to hold onto hope that they are not alone in their suffering, to show them someone has been there and God is indeed very near to the brokenhearted.
Much love and prayers
Refined, but beautifully broken...
The more we hide our weaknesses, the more they consume us. Choking us with guilt and shame, eventually leading us to an isolated pit of despair. Our lips should be willing to freely confess these kinds of things. Being transparent only tells the world that you too have issues, pains, scars, and hang ups. It doesn't make you less valuable or in a sense unworthy if you tell the truth and call yourself a Christian.
The Catholics have this part right, confession is good for the soul, they don't hide their sins or short comings, but when we know we have a Counselor, Helper, Advocate named the Holy Spirit who is with us to refine us through the fires of life. We can confess, be changed and move to the next issue that needs refining. We burn brighter for God when we let the refining fire burn away our impurities, instead of covering them up with fake gold!
Let's do this Brothers and Sisters, let's stop hiding our brokenness, instead tell the devil we may be "Beautifully Broken," but only for God to shine through.
His fire, His Spirit, is what changes us from ragged sinners to refined saints. Not one of us is perfect. This was Jesus' sole purpose: to step in for us and be our perfection. The more we let the fire of God burn out our impurities, through confession and growth, the more we start to look just like Jesus. Pure Perfection, out of a broken vessel.
Find someone you trust, be real, be you, and let God work in you and through you. You may even surprise yourself.
Much Love,
Shevonne Daley
How could you not know?!
You are LOVED! God loved you so much that he gave up the very best the world ever had in it (Jesus) to be connected to you! If that doesn't humble you a bit, He also makes the world spin around every day, the sunset and sunrise for you. He has every right to end life as we know it, with all the evil and hate roaring all over the world. Instead He chooses to SEE Love, chose you to BE Love, and will POUR out MORE Love. We must continue to strive to bring His presence to a dark world. He is here, right now and believes in you! Remember who made you, who loves you and who protects you. He is faithful and never failing in His love for His children. He looks you in the face and says, "You are mine. I choose you every day." Remember this friends ♡
Happy Sunday
Love and Prayers,
Shevonne Daley
Apology and Encouraging Word
I wanted to apologize that our video encouragements have not been done as of yet. I had a few hiccups along the way. Praying forward that they will be available in the near future.
But I have been able to use this time to dive in deeper with God on my Spiritual Gifts and where in the future he wants to use them. I encourage you to take a Spiritual Gifts test and see where God may be leading you to help the local church body, or what ministry you may plug into. Here is the link of one of the test I have done before:
Find out your Spiritual Gifts and then find out more about each gifting and pray where God would lead you. You are made as a part of the Body and the Body needs your gifts. Praying you are encouraged by God and your purpose becomes clearer as you learn more!
Love and Prayers,
Shevonne Daley
A word on Reconciliation (Announcement of new things coming)
This weeks Encouraging Word will be on forgiveness and the word "Reconciliation". We often forgive, and move on, and truly that is okay, if the heart has been healed. Though God's true purpose for forgiveness is to turn the situation around that was meant to bring death to a relationship, and emotional destruction to those involved, He wants instead to bring life, purpose and freedom. I can't wait to share how God brought reconciliation to a relationship I thought would never be whole, never have true fruit, but God had brought it fully and completely around. In fact at that same time He healed two relationships in my life. God always seems to know how to bless above and beyond what we can ever imagine. SO stay tuned!
Lots of love and Prayers,
Shevonne Daley